So we made the decision to cyber school the girls this year (or at least start out that way!). I’m not going to tell you all the reasons or how we came to this decision but I’m definitely embracing and slightly excited about it. I did enjoy the “distance learning” we went through this spring and everyone really liked the “no homework” evenings.
Lilly is the most excited. She loves the idea of not being “in school all day.” But I am not going to lie, she is probably the reason I kind of want to send them all back! She is dramatic. She likes to be in charge. She knows how to push everyone’s buttons and she pushes them often. She also thinks she knows everything already, so that is the hardest part when trying to help her “learn,” if you know what I mean. But there is a crayon writing on the fridge that says “Be Patient with Everyone.” There is a reason it is on the fridge. I need to see it often!
Lucy is probably the most disappointed but also the most adaptable. She is the friend. She said she would gladly wear a mask all day just to be with her friends and her rainbow-seeking personality said, “I won’t be wearing a mask all day because I will have to take it off at lunch so I can eat.” Now, can’t we all have that kind of positive mindset?!
Leah is feisty. So we will see how that goes. In the spring, she kind of got the “get out of pre-school free card.” I would work with her a little…when I had time…this fall, that’s not going to fly. But there is a benefit to having older kids. Remember Lilly and how she likes to be in charge and knows everything? Yep, I am definitely banking on a little bit of that!!
So, this fall, like most parents everywhere, school will look different for us. And that’s not going to be a bad thing. I refuse to let it be. And no matter what kind of changes this virus has caused you and me and everyone everywhere, we can still be positive and make the most of it. Remember Lucy and her positive thoughts? Yes, I am going to be like that.